When mommy & daddy are in tha house

Three-course menu, five mouths but 16 eyes starring

Part of my  family came by for a visit this weekend and we enjoyed funny, serious and silly talks accompanied by delicious food and colourful beverages. In situations like this I feel like a 60s-housewife showing off her kitchen skills and enjoying the long “awwwws, mhmmms” and smaking and slurping sounds. Everything just went smooth and easy although the dog and the cats interrupted by tying to steal something from the table time by time.


Salsa verde, spanish olives and a mix as starters

green gazpacho

green gazpacho & self-made ice tea

Mango, ruccola, violet and yellow spinach salad with pine nuts

Mango, ruccola, violet and yellow spinach salad with pine nuts

Zucchini tarte

Zucchini tarte


“Have you ever spent days and days and days making up flavors of ice cream that no one’s ever eaten before? Like chicken and telephone ice cream? Green mouse ice cream was the worst. I didn’t like that at all.”

Neil Gaiman, The Sandman, Vol. 7: Brief Lives

Lavender-wild berries ice cream with pepper

Lavender-wild berries ice cream with pepper

"Forget art. Put your trust in ice cream" "Without ice cream there would darkness and chaos" (Don Kardong, marathoner & writer)

“Without ice cream there would  be darkness and chaos” (Don Kardong, marathoner & writer)

About nicolefleck

I am Nicole Fleck a sport enthusiast – especially when it comes to mountains – and a vegetarian food lover who lives for creating and trying out new recipes. As I am spending a lot of time outdoor with snowboarding, hiking to ride, racing cycle, skateboarding (I also do the long ones hehe!), running (just half marathons, but those very passionate) and climbing/bouldering I want to be aware of getting enough healthy and vegetarian food. Thus I am spending a lot of time in cooking and preparing everything by myself. As a professional photographer and graphic designer it is easy for me to combine all my knowledge and interests in one big goal: I want to create my own cook book. So here is the deal: I will blog a lot about my sport stuff and from time to time you will get a hint of my new achievements concerning recipes and cook books. so stay tuned and be excited to read more about my stuff. .... P.S.: keep doing your sport stuff because everything turns out better if you stay and feel fit!

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